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Saturday, January 20, 2018



Book Name
Edition:  ?
Author: Dr. Norman Vincent Peale 
Book Publishers  Vermilion
Publish Date:  1990
Language. English
Category:  Psychology
Book Code 251
Pages 128
Rs 850
Book Quality Black Paper
 Whatsapp +92312-9775152

An international bestseller with over five million copies in print, The Power of Positive Thinking has helped men and women around the world to achieve fulfillment in their lives through Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s powerful message of faith and inspiration.

In this phenomenal bestseller, “written with the sole objective of helping the reader achieve a happy, satisfying, and worthwhile life,” Dr. Peale demonstrates the power of faith in action. With the practical techniques outlined in this book, you can energize your life—and give yourself the initiative needed to carry out your ambitions and hopes. You’ll learn how to:

· Believe in yourself and in everything you do
· Build new power and determination
· Develop the power to reach your goals
· Break the worry habit and achieve a relaxed life
· Improve your personal and professional relationships
· Assume control over your circumstances
· Be kind to yourself

The phenomenal and inspiring bestseller by the father of positive thinking. THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING is a practical, direct-action application of spiritual techniques to overcome defeat and win confidence, success and joy. Norman Vincent Peale, the father of positive thinking and one of the most widely read inspirational writers of all time, shares his famous formula of faith and optimism which millions of people have taken as their own simple and effective philosophy of living. His gentle guidance helps to eliminate defeatist attitudes, to know the power you possess and to make the best of your life.


What This Book Can Do for You 
THIS BOOK is WRITTEN to suggest techniques and to give examples which  demonstrate 
that you do  not need to be defeated by anything, that you  can have peace of mind, 
improved  health, and a  never-ceasing flow of energy. In short, that your life can 
be full of joy and satisfaction. Of this I have no doubt at all for I have watched 
countless persons learn and apply a system of simple procedures that has brought 
about the foregoing benefits in their lives. These assertions, which may appear 
extravagant, are based on bona-fide demonstrations in actual human experience. 
  Altogether too many people are defeated by the everyday problems of life. They go 
struggling, perhaps even whining, through their days with a sense of dull resentment
at what they consider the "bad breaks" life has given them. In a sense there may be 
such a thing as "the breaks" in this life, but there is also a spirit and method by 
which we can control and even determine those breaks. It is a pity that people 
should let themselves be defeated by the problems, cares, and difficulties of human 
existence, and it is also quite unnecessary. 
   In saying this I certainly do not ignore or minimize the hardships and tragedies 
of the world, but neither do I allow them  to dominate. You can permit obstacles to 
control your mind  to the point where they are upper-most  and thus become  the 
dominating factors in your thought pattern. By learning how to cast them from the 
mind,  by refusing to become  mentally subservient to them, and  by channeling 
spiritual power through your thoughts, you can rise above obstacles which ordinarily
might defeat you. By methods  I shall outline, obstacles are simply not permitted to
destroy your happiness and well-being. You need be defeated only if you are willing 
to be. This book teaches you how to "will" not to be. 
   The purpose of this book is a very direct and simple one. It makes no pretense to
literary excellence nor does it seek to demonstrate any unusual scholarship on my 
part. This is simply a practical, direct-action, personal improvement   manual. It 
is written with the sole objective of helping the reader achieve a happy, 
satisfying, and worthwhile life. I thoroughly and enthusiastically believe in 
certain demonstrated and  effective principles which, when   practiced, produce a 
victorious life. My aim is to set them forth in this volume in a logical, simple, 
and  understandable manner  so that the reader, feeling a sense of need, may learn a
practical method by which he can build for himself, with God’s help, the kind of 
life he deeply desires. 
   If you read this book thoughtfully, carefully absorbing its teachings, and if you
will sincerely and persistently practice the principles and formulas set forth 
herein, you can experience an amazing  improvement   within yourself. By using the 
techniques outlined herewith you can modify or change  the circumstances in which 
you now live, assuming control over them rather than continuing to be directed by 
them. Your relations with other people will improve. You will become a more popular,
esteemed, and well-liked individual. By mastering these principles, you will enjoy a
delightful new sense of well-being. You may attain a degree of health not hitherto 
known by you and experience a new and keen pleasure in living. You will become a 
person of greater usefulness and will wield an expanded influence. 
    How  can I be so certain that the practice of these principles will produce such
results? The answer is simply that for many years in the Marble Collegiate Church of
New York City we have taught a system of creative living based on spiritual 
techniques, carefully noting its operation in the lives of hundreds of people. It is
no speculative series of extravagant assertions that I make, for these principles 
have worked so efficiently over so long a period of time that they are now firmly 
established as documented and demonstrable truth. The system outlined is a perfected
and amazing method of successful living. 
    In my writings, including several books, in my regular weekly newspaper column 
in nearly one hundred dailies, in my national radio program over seventeen years, in

About the Author
 Dr. rman Vincent Peale (1898–1993) was a minister and author (most notably of >) and a progenitor of the theory of "positive thinking".

Peale was born in Bowersville, Ohio. He graduated from Bellefontaine High School, Bellefontaine, Ohio. He has earned degrees at Ohio Wesleyan University (where he became a brother of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta) and Boston University School of Theology.

Raised as a Methodist and ordained as a Methodist minister in 1922, Peale changed his religious affiliation to the Reformed Church in America in 1932 and began a 52-year tenure as pastor of Marble Collegiate Church in Manhattan. During that time the churchs membership grew from 600 to over 5000, and he became one of New York Citys most famous preachers. 

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