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Friday, December 8, 2017

A Love Song for Bethany Beautiful Love Story

A Love Song for Bethany Beautiful Love Story

Book Name 
A Love Song for Bethany Beautiful Love Story 
Author: Stephen K. Bess
Book Publishers  ?
Language. English USA 
Category Noval LOVE 
Book Code 219
Pages: 588
RS 1500

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About Book

Want to know what the 21st century Christian Romance looks like? Is LOVE before marriage really against God's wishes? Are you answering God's call on your life? A romance novel for the 21st century Christian. Dylan Ramsey is a New York liberal Christian studying at an ultra-Conservative Christian university in the Mid-West. Though he always follows God's call on his life, Dylan often finds himself alone and with little fulfillment. On campus he meets Bethany Taylor, a young, nubile undergrad student. Immediately they began an intense romantic relationship. Though she was reared in a Christian Conservative environment, and he is the liberalist of liberals, Bethany and Dylan become inseparable. Follow the two as their amorous escapades bring them closer to God, their theologies and themselves.

In a Lonely Place

A true relationship with God can be a very lonely experience. Alone with your thoughts; often alone with your convictions. I liken it to being a soldier on the battlefield. There are times when even a good soldier doesn‟t want to be where he is. He might not know where he‟s going or why. He just knows he has to be there for he is serving a greater cause; something beyond his desires. It‟s not about him; he is just a sentence in a greater story. He goes whether he likes it or not for he is called.

I am a soldier. My battlefield isn‟t the Mideast and doesn‟t require training at Fort Dix. My battle is one of spiritual warfare; my confrontations are with non-believers, believers and too often my very own mind. I have been a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ for the past sixteen years. My devotion to Him has led me down numerous paths, all ultimately for my own good. Now I‟m at the beginning of

my final semester of grad school, at a Christian university in a town far away from all I know, studying something close to my heart; theology. I moved here only because I felt a strong calling from the Lord. I always go where He calls. It has been my experience it‟s a mistake not to.

Don‟t get me wrong, I have friends or should I say colleagues and acquaintances here in Tulsa, OK. But sometimes I find it hard to be around other Christians. That feeling is even more exacerbated with Evangelical Christians. It often seems there is a game they play trying to „out Christian‟ each other. “I don‟t smoke or drink,” one might say only to be triumphed by another claiming “I never watch TV or go to the movies.” And then there‟s “I was twenty-eight and married before I had sex.” “Oh yeah,” says another, “Well I didn‟t even hold hands with my spouse until the wedding night.” It makes me wonder: what do Christians

do? I love the Bible but if all I did was read it 24 and 7 I would go nuts.

I have a strong need to talk and share my ideas with others in civil conversation and not be judged. That can be hard to do in a Christian environment. The Bible states that „there is no new condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.‟ (Romans 8:1) and „For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him.‟ (John 3:17) I guess those are passages many Christians either haven‟t read or don‟t subscribe to. For one wrong statement; “I read in Vanity Fair that…,” or “I don‟t watch Fox but CNN,” can bring on looks or comments that damn one straight to hell. Crazy, huh. I‟m a devoted follower of Jesus Christ yet I found myself not wanting to be around people who can‟t talk about or recognize anything but Him and the Bible. It

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