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Friday, November 17, 2017

Lewin's GENES XII 12th Edition By Jocelyn E. Krebs

Book Author    Jocelyn E. Krebs ,‎ Elliott S. Goldstein ,‎ Stephen T. Kilpatrick   Published: Jones & Bartlett

Book Name
Book Author  
Jocelyn E. Krebs ,‎ Elliott S. Goldstein ,‎ Stephen T. Kilpatrick 
Published: Jones & Bartlett
Language. English 
Year: 2018
Book Code 137
Category Book Medical 
Total Pages: 3195
Black Paper Book  RS-5000
Original Book 20,000 
ISBN-13: 978-1284104493
ISBN-10: 1284104494

About Book

Long considered the quintessential molecular biology textbook, for decades Lewin's GENES has provided the most modern presentation to this transformative and dynamic science. Now in its twelfth edition, this classic text continues to lead with new information and cutting-edge developments, covering gene structure, sequencing, organization, and expression. Leading scientists provide revisions and updates in their respective areas of study offering readers current research and relevant information on the rapidly changing subjects in molecular biology. No other text offers a broader understanding of this exciting and vital science or does so with higher quality art and illustrations. Lewin's GENES XII continues to be the clear choice for molecular biology and genetics.


Benjamin Lewin founded the journal Cell in 1974 and was editor
until 1999. He founded the Cell Press journals Neuron, Immunity,
and Molecular Cell. In 2000, he founded Virtual Text, which was
acquired by Jones and Bartlett Publishers in 2005. He is also the
author of Essential GENES and Lewin’s CELLS.
Jocelyn E. Krebs received a B.A. in Biology from Bard College,
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, and a Ph.D. in Molecular and
Cell Biology from the University of California, Berkeley. For her
Ph.D. thesis, she studied the roles of DNA topology and insulator
elements in transcriptional regulation. She performed her
postdoctoral training as an American Cancer Society Fellow at the
University of Massachusetts Medical School in the laboratory of Dr.
Craig Peterson, where she focused on the roles of histone
acetylation and chromatin remodeling in transcription. In 2000, Dr.
Krebs joined the faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences at
the University of Alaska, Anchorage, where she is now a Full
Professor. Her most recent research focus has been on the role of
the Williams syndrome transcription factor (one of the genes lost in
the human neurodevelopmental syndrome Williams syndrome) in
early embryonic development in the frog Xenopus. She teaches
courses in introductory biology, genetics, and molecular biology for
undergraduates, graduate students, and first-year medical
students. She also teaches courses on the molecular biology of
cancer and epigenetics. Although working in Anchorage, she lives inPortland, Oregon, with her wife and two sons, a dog, and three
cats. Her nonwork passions include hiking, gardening, and fused
glass work.
Elliott S. Goldstein earned his B.S. in Biology from the University
of Hartford in Connecticut and his Ph.D. in Genetics from the
University of Minnesota, Department of Genetics and Cell Biology.
Following this, he was awarded an NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship to
work with Dr. Sheldon Penman at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. After leaving Boston, he joined the faculty at Arizona
State University in Tempe, Arizona, where he is an Associate
Professor, Emeritus, in the Cellular, Molecular, and Biosciences
program in the School of Life Sciences and in the Honors
Disciplinary Program. His research interests are in the area of
molecular and developmental genetics of early embryogenesis in
Drosophila melanogaster. In recent years, he has focused on the
Drosophila counterparts of the human proto-oncogenes jun and
fos. His primary teaching responsibilities are in the undergraduate
general genetics course as well as the graduate-level molecular
genetics course. Dr. Goldstein lives in Tempe with his wife, his high
school sweetheart. They have three children and two
grandchildren. He is a bookworm who loves reading as well as


The hereditary basis of every living organism is its genome, a long
sequence of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that provides the
complete set of hereditary information carried by the organism as
well as its individual cells. The genome includes chromosomal DNA
as well as DNA in plasmids and (in eukaryotes) organellar DNA, as
found in mitochondria and chloroplasts. We use the term
information because the genome does not itself perform an active
role in the development of the organism. Rather, the products of
expression of nucleotide sequences within the genome determine
development. By a complex series of interactions, the DNAsequence directs production of all of the ribonucleic acids (RNAs)
and proteins of the organism at the appropriate time and within the
appropriate cells. Proteins serve a diverse series of roles in the
development and functioning of an organism: they can form part of
the structure of the organism; have the capacity to build the
structure; perform the metabolic reactions necessary for life; and
participate in regulation as transcription factors, receptors, key
players in signal transduction pathways, and other molecules.
Physically, the genome can be divided into a number of different
DNA molecules, or chromosomes. The ultimate definition of a
genome is the sequence of the DNA of each chromosome.
Functionally, the genome is divided into genes. Each gene is a
sequence of DNA that encodes a single type of RNA and, in many
cases, ultimately a polypeptide. Each of the discrete chromosomes
comprising the genome can contain a large number of genes.
Genomes for living organisms might contain as few as about 500
genes (for mycoplasma, a type of bacterium), about 20,000 for
humans, or as many as about 50,000 to 60,000 for rice.
In this chapter, we explore the gene in terms of its basic molecular
construction and basic function. FIGURE 1.1 summarizes the
stages in the transition from the historical concept of the gene to
the modern definition of the genome.

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